Easy Peasy Pea Soup

This recipe is inspired by the abundance of peas that our garden produced this year; however now that we have eaten most of them I have turned to the frozen variety to get our pea-fix. It is a new family favorite and so so easy to make. Served cold, this pea soup makes a refreshing and simple meal on a hot summer day. Oh and it is gluten-free and vegan!

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  • 4 Cups Frozen or Fresh Peas

  • 3 Cups Vegetable Stock

  • 1 Shallot

  • 1 Tsp Fresh Thyme

  • 1 Tsp Fresh Mint

  • 1 Tbs Olive Oil

  • Salt and Pepper to taste


Mince your shallot and sauté in a large pot over medium heat until it becomes sort and translucent. Add your sprig of thyme and sauté for another minute. Add stock and cover pot, bringing it to a boil and then down to a simmer. Simmer on low heat for 5 to 10 minutes. Add peas and simmer for another 5 minutes. Remove soup from heat and allow to cool. Remove the thyme stem from the pot, then add the mint. Blend or puree soup until smooth. Add salt and pepper to taste if needed. We served our soup with a gluten-free focaccia, which I highly recommend.