Fermented Hot Sauce

We grew a huge batch of jalapeño peppers this year…some might call it excessive for a three person family. There are only so many stuffed peppers one can eat so finding a way to use a large amount of spicy peppers became crucial. When I discovered that fermenting hot sauce was a thing I could not wait to try it. I think this recipe came out really well; the hot sauce was flavorful and mild enough that my husband could enjoy it as well. Warning: this does take about a week to make because of the fermentation process.

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  • 2 cups sliced hot peppers

  • 1 cup sliced onion

  • 1 cup sliced carrot

  • 1 cup mild or sweet peppers

  • 5 cups salt water (1 1/4 tsp salt to 1 cup water)

  • 1, 2 -quart glass jar

  • 4 tbs apple cider vinegar


Layer jar with peppers, onion and carrot leaving about two inches at the top. Add salt water, then weigh down the veggies so that they are completely submerged in salt water, a freezer bag filled with water works just fine for this. Place jar in a bowl and lightly close the lid. Store jar in a dark, cool, dry environment for about a week. Salt water brine should be cloudy, indicating the presence of a successful fermentation.

Strain veggies, reserving the brining liquid. Blend pepper mixture - I like to use an emersion blender, until smooth or your desired consistency. Strain if desired, though I like a little texture to my hot sauce. Add apple cider vinegar and bottle using your favorite style of hot sauce jar or bottle. Store in refrigerator and enjoy on everything!

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