Deconstructed Bloody Mary
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We have been potty training this past week and it has been a rollercoaster (if rollercoasters were covered in urine). Lots of wine was had in order to cope, but by the end of the week I was craving something stronger.

This drink is a variation on a Vodka Martini inspired by that wonderful brunch-time drink: the Bloody Mary. Since we have so many cherry tomatoes in the garden right now and it is rare that I don't have horseradish and lemons laying around everything aligned perfectly for the last-minute construction of this much needed cocktail.

If you are a Bloody Mary or Dirty Martini fan, I think that you will really enjoy this one.

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  •    ¼ cup cherry tomatoes

  •    ½ tsp horseradish

  •    ½ lemon (juiced)

  •    5 ounces vodka

  •    ice

  •   dash of hot sauce (optional)

Muddle cherry tomatoes in the bottom of your shaker. Add horseradish, lemon juice, hot sauce and vodka and mix to combine. Add ice and stir, then strain into martini glasses. Feel free to garnish with cherry tomatoes or any of your usual Bloody Mary garnishes.