Summer Cocktail Hour: Strawberry Mint Fizz and Watermelon Feta Salad

Summer Cocktail Hour: Strawberry Mint Fizz and Watermelon Feta Salad

Once a week my husband and I try to have a “mini-date”, where we make a little time to spend focused on each other after our daughter is in bed. Usually this consists of a drink and a treat; hopefully enjoyed on the back deck so we can take in the view of our garden (currently in need of a full day of weeding). For our last date I put together this cocktail and salad that was just the right balance of sweet, salty, refreshing and simple. It would also be a great addition to a summer cocktail party. Enjoy!

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Drink: Strawberry Mint Fizz (Serves 4)

Husband enjoying his Strawberry Mint Fizz

Husband enjoying his Strawberry Mint Fizz

  • 1 cup strawberries

  • 3 tablespoon sugar

  • 16 ounces sparkling water

  • 8 ounces gin

  • 4 sprigs of mint


Muddle strawberries and mint with sugar at the bottom of a tall pitcher. Add gin and stir. Pour over ice-filled glasses and top with sparkling water. Serve with straw and/or garnish with strawberry and mint.

Watermelon and Feta Salad (Serves 4)


  • 3 cups watermelon, cut into bite-sized cubes

  • 1 ½  cups cubed feta

  • 2 sprigs mint

  • 2 pinches coarse salt

Place cubed watermelon and feta in a medium-sized bowl. Chiffonade mint and add it to the bowl with the salt. Give everything a very gentle mix then serve.