Strawberry Refrigerator Jam

With baby number two being born in February I made myself a promise that I would take a season off from doing any canning or preserving for my own sanity. When our strawberries produced more than we knew what to do with, I had to figure out a quick and easy way to make the most of our harvest while watching two small humans at the same time. Refrigerator jam was the perfect solution as it lasts up to three weeks in the fridge ( and lets be honest, no jam lasts more than a week in our house), and is super easy to make.



  • 4 cups Strawberries (washed, tops removed, quartered)

  • 1/3 cup Sugar


Add strawberries and sugar to a medium-sized sauce pan and stir to combine. Bring berries to a boil over medium-high heat, stirring occasionally. Turn heat to medium-low and continue stirring with more frequency as the mixture thickens. When the jam reaches a thick, jell-like consistency take it off the heat and allow to cool. Store in a clean glass jar in the refrigerator for up to three weeks.