5 Creative Ideas for Keeping Your Toddler Entertained and Engaged

It can be really exhausting constantly coming up with new and creative ways to engage young minds. I know a lot of us are finding that being parent, teacher and playmate to little ones stuck at home is a really daunting task (also fun and rewarding and amazing but seriously kids have so much energy!). Finding activities that are engaging and stimulating can be a full time job in itself so I thought I would share a few that my little one really enjoyed and didn’t require too much planning or prep on my part. I really enjoy activities that can engage the kiddos in both the planning and set up and the actual activity itself; I find it leads to a lot less stress and keeps the little ones curious and interested.


1.Make Your Own Play Dough

I love this activity because you can enjoy the process of making something together and then playing with the finished product…its two activities in one!


  • 1 cup flour

  • 2 tsp cream of tartar

  • 1/2 cup salt

  • 1 tbsp coconut oil

  • 1 cup water

  • food coloring (I like to use natural food coloring or dyes - you can buy these online or make your own!)


Combine all ingredients in a large bowl and set aside. In a large pot combine water and coloring. Add coconut oil and then slowly mix in dry ingredients mixing thoroughly. Cook over low heat until ingredients come together in a ball. Remove from heat and allow to cool. Knead dough until soft and pliable, then play!


2. Ping Pong Ball Games

Honestly there are endless games that can be played with just ping pong balls, paper cups and a creative toddler, but here are a few we made up:

  1. Ball Toss - All you need is one ball and six paper (we like to use the compostable variety) cups. Find a flat surface, a coffee able or even the floor will do. You can able each cup a different amount of point and set them in a pyramid configuration. Have your child stand at a designated distance from the cups and use the ball to toss into the cups to score points. You can also play this game by lining the cups in a row on their side and rolling the ball into the cups.

  2. Find the Ball - This game also uses one ball and six cups. Line up the cups so that there are two rows of three cups. While your child is watching place the ball under one of the cups and then move the cups around so that the ball is now in a different place and have your child guess which cup the ball is under. I can say from experience that this game was surprisingly engaging and entertaining.


3. Color Scavenger Hunt

I know a lot of us have a bunch of paint samples lying around from various projects or renovations. A fun way to actually use all those random rectangles of color is to engage your child in a scavenger hunt in which you point to a specific color sample and they have to find something in the house that matches that color. This is a game that is low engagement for the parent and high engagement for the child, so it is perfect if you are trying to get some work done simultaneously. It can be a great tool for toddlers learning colors as well! Another way to play this game would be to have a list of objects for the child to find, e.g. “find a book with a dog on it”.


4. Magazine Collage

My toddler LOVES art projects and I am always trying to think of something new to do. Because I am alway getting magazines in the mail that I did not ask for or want I thought that incorporating them into an art project would be a good way to give them second life before the recycling bin. I get a lot of plant catalogues, so I cut out different flowers and plants and have my child make a flower garden using some construction paper and a glue stick. It is cheaper than stickers and always a lot of fun.


5. Rock Painting

Another easy but engaging art project. We usually start this one with a nature walk of some kind, searching for the perfect rocks to paint. As I have stated before, I love projects that can have multiple stages to them and this provides a great excuse to get outdoors. Clean and dry rocks thoroughly before painting and paint using water-based non-toxic paint safe for getting all over little fingers and faces. You can create an outdoor rock garden or even an indoor collection like my little one.
