Paper Straw and Ribbon Necklace

I wanted to share this simple, easy craft as it is perfect for young kids and we were able to do it with materials we had around the house. I loved this project because it kept my kiddo engaged for longer than most activities and was great at helping her practice hand-eye coordination and dexterity.

Paper Straw Beads.jpg-5.jpg


  • Paper straws

  • Scissors

  • Ribbon

  • Tape


Cut paper straws into quarter-inch pieces and set aside in child-friendly cup or bowl. Cut a length of ribbon (I did about one foot to a foot and a half – enough so that you can have some excess material to tie a bow at the end). At one end of the ribbon tie a few knots so that the beads wont slip off, and wrap the other end tightly with tape to make it easier to string the beads. Show your child how to string the beads onto the ribbon and let them get to work!